So yesterday there was a lady her name was Rachel Rosenfelt
she flew in from New York.What she does is she works for Globaloiria and she looks at our blogs,and wiki pages.She came and talked to us about our games and she showed us like how to make our game better and some Ms.Miller
told her some students that were doing good on there game.So Ms.Miller told Rachel that she will give her a list of the people that are doing good on there game so they got to show her what they have so far.But I wasn't one of them.
She said an examples are that we can do obesity and so we can put it like when Mario is reaching for the star when he reaches for that he will get more points and the more he runs the more calories he burns and losses the fatness.The way you Winn is when you lost 50 pounds and if you don't then you don't Winn.So my game is about teen pregnancy but I am going to do it like a Mario.So that is what happened yesterday!