Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I like technology because you can learn alot of things.When I am in technology I fell like I am understanding the stuff that we are supposed to be learning about only when I am with the people I won't talk to.But the people that will disturb me I won't be able to pay attention so that is why I try to say no to my friends when it is time to learn.What I am having trouble with is getting all the stuff that we are supposed to do because people are talking and it is hard to hear what the teacher is saying.The thing that I am having trouble with is actually nothing it is just that the people around me they talk to much so I can't here and that is all I am having trouble with and I am not lying.What I can do to to get better is to sit by the people who I won't talk to.What Ms.Miller can do is to assign us seats with the people who we don't really don't talk to and it will be better for us and Ms.Miller so she won't have a hard time so we can get our work done and play or do what we have planned for the next day and play the rest of the time.And what Ms.Miller can do is count how long we talk and that can be time off of our game time and if we get all of our time off.And I still love East Austin College Prep Academy!!!!!!!!!

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