Tuesday, February 23, 2010
OMG!!!!!!It is the 2nd time in Austin it is snowing.This time it is BIG.My teachers let us go outside and we got to play with the snow it was funny because some other people fell in the snow on the floor.Like on the news it said it was going to snow but I didnt belive them so now when they say it is going to snow I will belive them!This is the best day ever because there is alot of snow and it feels like a dream because it never snowed in Austin and it dont feel like I am in Austin.I am glad we have school becuase we get to luagh at our friends and we get to play outside.I was luaghing becuae Delaney and I almost fell because she was slipping and she grabed me.
Monday, February 22, 2010

The way I feel about my teammates is that we did good on rehearsing and when it was time to do the presentation they just went blank.Delaney and I were the only one's that every one could hear and I got in trouble because my teammates were not talking loud and we went over it like a million times and they still messed up.But I think we still did good in some ways but other groups said we forgot our objective but we did at the end a they said we didn't.I think we could of done better but I think my team was embarrassed so that is why we got the grade we got.We did good on paying attention because we didn't loose no points.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

In Globaloria we have groups/teams.My role in the my group is the secretary,why they picked me for this job is because I am serious about what I do,I am organized,and i can take good important notes.Well not that much,but I had little disagreements like that when we first started with the groups and we were assigning people there jobs we were all on different pages like we would say one person is good for this job then another person will say no that is not a good job for them and now we all have a good job that we are good at.How we would solve them is like we would talk about.I look forward for owr game to be awesome,and good because I would like other kids to play it and hope they learn a lesson like that they will learn to NOT litter.We picked Air Pollution because almost all of our own game had to do something with air or littering.I really like that my school is able to let us have this opportunity to make our own game,get to use the computers,and all the other stuff like blogger,Gmail,flash,and wiki.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
My Paper Prototype

What I liked about the paper prototype was fun in some ways,but some of my teammates were somewhere chatting,not paying any attention,and just not doing some easy work that we asked them to do.My team actually did better than I thought but every body did there part so it made it even better.The way it worked was like we wrote what we who going to do then we drew it out like if we already did our game,but only on paper.It was cool I like my teammates,but sometimes they can get Little anyone.I had allot of fun!!!!!!!Yes!It was Little difficult because at first I had no idea what to do.Then Ms.Miller told me then I got the hang of it.I do understand this,but I would like Little more help so it can be even essayer!It was awesome working with a team because is not just me doing all the work it is everybody helping.And it will be done essayer.What I like about my team is one person is good at this thing,another is good at another and it is just like that.What I don't like is sometimes we are not all working like slacking off,and not doing work.I think my group will do good because each day they are getting better.So the way it will be when it is the end of the year I think it will be a good educated game.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Awsome Blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What I think about Globaloria is that it is awesome and cool because we can work on flash,and we are making our own game.I do eall the stuff,but when it's not this is what we do when it gets frustrating.When it's frustrating is like if we have to look and listen,don't get to do it by our self we have to look and listen, and I remember one time when we had to work on our own to do our flash my computer wasn't working so I had to go work with Frank and it wasn't cool because I didn't get to try it because it was Frank's flash,but I still helped him with the directions.
What I have learned from Globaloria is how to create a Wiki,make a gmail,a blogger,and how to make a flash.Like I like to use gmail for chating with friends,I like to use flash for helping me with my game and no excaly what to do when I have to make my own game,and Wiki for updating my learning log and if I am behind on my flash then I go on my Wiki and I take some notes then I see what I've missed and go right there on my Wiki and do all the stuff it's says to do for my flash.I like to blog because it's sorda easy and I like some of the topics we have to write about.I like it when we get to write about our friends or family because I have alot of good friends to write about like I cna tell them everything,but some of my friends are not really my friends cause like they can hang around me,but like they will see another croud and go over there with them and talk about me and my friends so that is what I bog about most of the time.What we are working on the most is our group game so like we are going through all the step we have to,to make a gorup game.Sometimes it's fustrating becuse most of my teamates don't listen and they don't listen to our captnin and so we have to tell Ms.Miller and then she will deal with them.Were I am at on m game is were we are going to have to persintent it to our whole class and Ms.Miller.And we are going to a good path because now the people that were'nt working now they are working more then the other people who were working befroe.What I look forward to be doing in Globaloria is we will be able to have our game finished before school is over.Because I would like to play my own game because I wan't to see how good I did.My group game is going to be about Air Pollution.I am very excited to do my game with my team because it will be aesyer and I won't have to do all the work by myself.
So that is what I like about Globaloria.
Globaloria Rocks!!!!!!!!!!
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