What I liked about the paper prototype was fun in some ways,but some of my teammates were somewhere chatting,not paying any attention,and just not doing some easy work that we asked them to do.My team actually did better than I thought but every body did there part so it made it even better.The way it worked was like we wrote what we who going to do then we drew it out like if we already did our game,but only on paper.It was cool I like my teammates,but sometimes they can get Little anyone.I had allot of fun!!!!!!!Yes!It was Little difficult because at first I had no idea what to do.Then Ms.Miller told me then I got the hang of it.I do understand this,but I would like Little more help so it can be even essayer!It was awesome working with a team because is not just me doing all the work it is everybody helping.And it will be done essayer.What I like about my team is one person is good at this thing,another is good at another and it is just like that.What I don't like is sometimes we are not all working like slacking off,and not doing work.I think my group will do good because each day they are getting better.So the way it will be when it is the end of the year I think it will be a good educated game.
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