What I think about Globaloria is that it is awesome and cool because we can work on flash,and we are making our own game.I do eall the stuff,but when it's not this is what we do when it gets frustrating.When it's frustrating is like if we have to look and listen,don't get to do it by our self we have to look and listen, and I remember one time when we had to work on our own to do our flash my computer wasn't working so I had to go work with Frank and it wasn't cool because I didn't get to try it because it was Frank's flash,but I still helped him with the directions.
What I have learned from Globaloria is how to create a Wiki,make a gmail,a blogger,and how to make a flash.Like I like to use gmail for chating with friends,I like to use flash for helping me with my game and no excaly what to do when I have to make my own game,and Wiki for updating my learning log and if I am behind on my flash then I go on my Wiki and I take some notes then I see what I've missed and go right there on my Wiki and do all the stuff it's says to do for my flash.I like to blog because it's sorda easy and I like some of the topics we have to write about.I like it when we get to write about our friends or family because I have alot of good friends to write about like I cna tell them everything,but some of my friends are not really my friends cause like they can hang around me,but like they will see another croud and go over there with them and talk about me and my friends so that is what I bog about most of the time.What we are working on the most is our group game so like we are going through all the step we have to,to make a gorup game.Sometimes it's fustrating becuse most of my teamates don't listen and they don't listen to our captnin and so we have to tell Ms.Miller and then she will deal with them.Were I am at on m game is were we are going to have to persintent it to our whole class and Ms.Miller.And we are going to a good path because now the people that were'nt working now they are working more then the other people who were working befroe.What I look forward to be doing in Globaloria is we will be able to have our game finished before school is over.Because I would like to play my own game because I wan't to see how good I did.My group game is going to be about Air Pollution.I am very excited to do my game with my team because it will be aesyer and I won't have to do all the work by myself.
So that is what I like about Globaloria.
Globaloria Rocks!!!!!!!!!!
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